Greetings from St. Andrews! The past few days have been packed full of Minke and Finback Whales and it seems as though the "Big Whales" are here to stay! Sightings on every departure for the past few days have included those elusive giants (Finbacks).
Finbacks, or fin whales, are the second largest whale in the world growing to lengths of 40' - 80' (the larges
t ever recorded being 88' in length!! WOW!) and can reach weights up to 70,000kg's.

The fin whale has a series of 56–100 pleats or grooves along the bottom of the body that run from the tip of the chin to the navel that allow the throat area to expand greatly during feeding. It has a curved, prominent (approx. 60cm, 24in) dorsal fin about three-quarters of the way along the back. Its flippers are small and tapered, and its tail is wide, pointed at the tip, and notched in the centre.
Regularly sighted on our whale watch during the peak whale season (July- October), the fin whales provide our guests with the ch
ance to view the second largest mammal on our planet. With a blow (exhalation at the surface) up to 20' high the first sign of a fin is that distinctive "wooooshhh" of air and water.

Found commonly in temperate and cool waters, such as the Bay of Fundy, they are also found in all the worlds oceans.
Tune in next time for your Bay of Fundy updates with your local marine biologist at Island Quest Marine! Leaving you with a video of your vessel custom built by Captain Chris, the beautiful Island Quest, cruising into the harbour. Take care and see you soon!