Such a great few days have gone past! So much to see in the Bay of Fundy, I feel so amazingly lucky to have grown up here and now to share my expertise for what I love with the folks that join us on the Island Quest!
Sightings included Fin whales, Minke whales, Harbour Porpoise, Harbour and Gray Seals, Eagles, Razorbill Auks, Puffins and many different sea birds! Amazingggggg!...
The Harbour Porpoise grow to be 1.4 m to 1.9 m (4.6-6.2 ft). The
females are correspondingly heavier, with a maximum weight of around 76kg's (167 pounds) compared with the males' 61 kg's (134 pounds). The body of the porpoise is quite robust and the animal is at its maximum girth just in front of its triangular dorsal fin. The beak is poorly demarcated. The flippers, dorsal fin, tail fin and back are a dark grey. The sides are a slightly speckled lighter grey. The underside is much whiter, though there are usually grey stripes running along the throat from the underside of their body.

The species is widespread in cooler coastal waters in the Nor
thern Hemisphere, largely in areas with an average temperature of about 15°C. In the Atlantic, Harbour Porpoises may be present in a concave band of water running from the coast of western Africa round to the eastern seaboard of the USA. Distribution shown
in Blue.

Gray seal in the midst of a group of Harbour seals on splitting knife!
The entrance to Passamaquoddy Bay. Gorgeous.