In the 11 years that we, here at Island Quest, have been whale watching we have never had a more eventful week with the Finbacks! On any one departure we have multiple fins all around the boat, upwards of 6-7 at a time and even 11 on one departure!!!! AMAZING! A total of 13 Bald Eagles have been sighted at one time, as well as MORE neat sights such as Blue Fin Tuna breaching, Puffin sightings, Northern Gannets dive bombing, Harbour Porpoise coming so close you could touch them and the fins lunge feeding, rolling on their sides around the boat and showing their fluke (tail)!!! WOW, WOW, WOW! A lot of these sightings are unusual to see and I am happy to say that our guests have had some amazing sightings that not everyone gets! Here are some photos that I have managed to capture in the past few days.
Very friendly Harbour Porpoise around the boat, watching our guests as much we were watching them!
Over the past few days I have had some trouble with my camera, our WONDERFUL guests have sent me some amazing photos which I will be posting very soon. Thank you so much for joining us on the Island Quest! Thanks for checking in and hope to see you soon!