The first finback of 2008!!!
We had an amazing day today here at Island Quest! The first fin whale of the 2008 season! The sightings were great, I almost forgot to take photos! haha. The finback whale is the second largest whale in the world and can reach 80ft in length!! Island Quest was privileged enough to be one of the first St. Andrews whale watchers to find this magnificent mammal thanks to the help of the local fisherman. Captain Chris estimated the fin whales length to be approx. 60 ft!!

The weather was great today, the winds coop
erated and our guests were wonderful! A full tour of Whales, Eider ducks, American Bald Eagles, Guillemot, Harbour Seals and Porpoise made for a spectacular day out on the Bay of Fundy.
The weather was great today, the winds coop
Hope to see you all here in St. Andrews at Island Quest Marine, St. Andrews most recommended Whale and Wildlife adventure.