Warming Weather and Whales on the Move!
The maritimes have been hammered this winter with some severe storms, including the weatherbomb that hit the east last week bringing 50+cm of snow and 200+km/h winds in the Bay of Fundy!! The good news - it's finally starting to warm up!
We are hearing reports from Florida and Georgia that the Right Whale population is on the move! Heading to their more northerly feeding grounds, the whales are making their way up the coast with their new calves! The Bay of Fundy is the summer home to some of those very special whales!
We are hearing reports from Florida and Georgia that the Right Whale population is on the move! Heading to their more northerly feeding grounds, the whales are making their way up the coast with their new calves! The Bay of Fundy is the summer home to some of those very special whales!
Pictured here is Mom and Calf pair!
We are looking forward to an amazing season of watching Minke, Finback, Humpback and Right whales along with all of our other favourites from the stable and spacious Island Quest! Have you made your reservation yet? We are booking up quickly for the 2014 whale and wildlife season! Hope to see you all soon!
Nicole :)
Nicole :)
Bay of Fundy Sunrise - a beautiful start to a morning of whale watching! |