Saturday, September 19, 2009

Good news for the North Atlantic Right Whale!

Earlier today I was sent a link from a friend who knows of my passion for marine life, I wanted to share the encouraging news with you folks as well!

CBC News:
"Record number of calves born this year".
"Thirty years of conservation efforts in the Bay of Fundy appear to be paying off for the North Atlantic Right Whale, one of the rarest large mammals on earth, scientist's say. The species, once headed for extinction, is experiencing a baby boom, with 39 calves born this year, and 37 of them surviving. The previous record was 31, set in 2001".

To be able to help educate the public about these magnificent creatures and their endangered status really makes our job worth while! Keep checking in, more photos of the amazing sightings we've been having to come ( lots of humpbacks in the area!!!)


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Humpback Breaching ..The Bay of Fundy Our Way!

Hi there folks! Another quick update from your local marine biologist! The weather here has been good and the whales have been even better! I have some amazing photos to share with you taken by a wonderful guest that was out with us, as well as some photos taken by a local resident of St. Andrews that frequently goes out with us here at Island Quest! The level of activity in the Bay of Fundy is phenomenal!!

A view from Fin's & Tail's capturing the fluke of a humpback whale and the folks aboard the Island Quest getting a great photo!!

Friday, September 4, 2009


The whale and wildlife sightings have been so amazing there really aren't words to describe it! I want to send a big thanks to all the wonderful folks who have been out with us and have sent some of their photo's they've taken along with their wonderful comments! Thanks so much, we love to share our passion for what we do! As you can see in this photo our second boat, Fin's & Tail's, is out whale watching with the Island Quest.
Fin's & Tail's has been out whale watching and deep sea fishing regularly as well as doing Right Whale tours and charters!
The beautiful and majestic Right Whales have been a regular occurrence on our whale watches, not something that happens every year!