Monday, August 31, 2009

Four Humpback's, Four Finback's, North Atlantic Right's and Minke's! WOW!!

Just a quick update on today's sightings! There really are no words to describe how awesome the whale sightings have been. Again, today we had all 4 species of whale that inhabit the Bay of Fundy, Humpbacks, Finbacks, North Atlantic Right's and Minkes! Here's a photo of a Right showing it's fluke! Check in for more awesome sightings and amazing photos from your local tour guides here at Island Quest!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

North Atlantic Right Whales!!

Hi there folks! Just wanted to give you a quick update on what we have been seeing here at Island Quest. Over the past week wildlife sightings have been PHENOMENAL! The critically endangered North Atlantic Right Whales have moved in from offshore and we have had some amazing sightings with them, as well as Humpbacks, Finbacks AND Minkes! That's all four species of whale that we have here in the Bay of Fundy! Not only have the whale sightings been great but on our 2pm departure we also sighted a thresher shark! AWESOME! Here are some photos taken by our amazing local tour guide, Andrew!

North Atlantic Right Whale at the surface beside the boat, The white patches seen on the head are patches of whale lice known as callosities, used in identifying the whale.

The fluke being shown right in front of the Island Quest! COOL!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hot Weather, Finbacks, Minkes and..... HUMPBACKS!

Great news today folks! Island Quest sighted our first Humpback Whale of the 2009 season on our 2pm departure! We had both of our boats out and got to see an amazing show, the humpback lob-tailed multiple times as well as rolled onto its side to give our guests a wave! The weather has been AMAZING in and around the Fundy Isle's and we hope it sticks around for a while. Here are some PHENOMENAL photos taken aboard Fin's & Tail's by my sister, Lindsay! Enjoy!

Photo taken from the Island Quest by our local biologist, Andrew! Upclose and personal with this magnificent creature.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Fin's & Tail's!

Fin's & Tail's, Island Quest's new 29' whale watching and deep sea fishing boat had it's first whale and wildlife excursion today! Sightings were wonderful and the guests from the maiden voyage were immensely pleased, Fin's & Tail's is sure to be a huge success!

Sunshine and Finbacks

The weather has been great this past week! As promised, I am including some photos taken by guests that were out with us in July, we greatly appreciate their kind comments and enthusiasm for what we do here at Island Quest!

This photo taken by Hagire Emrani / Luc Fortier

"We had a great time visiting you this past Sunday, I can attest that this was a day to remember. We enjoyed your crew's friendly and warm reception on the boat"
Photo taken by Tony Welland
Ottawa, Canada